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Every good development team has standards, but we've gone even further, authoring several new and innovative open standards:

  • Commenting Showing Intent: The industry's first commenting style standard, encouraging useful, intent-based comments for more readable and maintainable code.
  • Live-In Testing: A standard to accompany PawLIB Goldilocks' unique approach to testing and benchmarking.
  • Quantified Task Management: A new way of organizing tasks and bugs, giving developers and managers a solid, reliable way to organize projects with even the most slippery of schedules.

In addition, we've published our in-house coding, style, technical, and licensing standards, so staff and community members alike can work from a common ground.

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The latest recommended version of the standards are automatically published to:

The standards are authored and maintained by the MousePaw Media Standards Board. You can find the source files for the standards documents on GitHub.